24 September, 2009

Moments that count

Was another hectic day...  Tomorrow i'll be taking the early shift cos i need to go for my course briefing in the afternoon... So i was looking at going home alone to my packed dinner... prospects aint really tempting...

As I dragged myself out of the school at 7-odd and heaved a sigh... who do I see but Ah Lao sitting at the void deck waiting for me.... My heart immediately lifted and my paced doubled......

Me: "Eh today meeting u meh?" *scratch head*
Ah Lao: "No ah..." *smiles*

Took his arm and strolled along... talking away... about his colleagues, the audit, the kids at school etc... Already feel so much better....
Even though it was just an hour of meeting up, over some nice coffee.... It changes everything... It's... refueling...

It's heartwarming cos he still bothers to come fetch me after his own crazy series of days... and It's sweet cos he can still find ways to surprise me... Most of all.. I know he wants to show me even after signing the Paper, he still loves me as much...

Thanks darling... zglzz many many~